How to Choose a CDL Training Program

If you want to become a truck driver, getting the right training is key for your performance behind the wheel and ultimately the success of your career. Truck driving schools throughout the state offer training for future truck drivers, but the quality of training you’ll receive can vary widely from one school to the next. With so many CDL training programs to choose from, how do you know which one is the right one? Here are some factors to consider as you look around at truck driving schools in Tucson.


First and foremost, make sure the truck driving school you are thinking about attending is accredited and recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. One of the accrediting bodies for truck driving schools is the Accrediting Commission of Career Schools and Colleges (ACCSC). If you learn that a program is accredited by the ACCSC, you can be confident in the CDL training you will receive.

Professional Associations

The best truck driving schools are those that hold memberships with some of the leading associations in the trucking industry. Common professional associations to look for when researching CDL schools is the American Trucking Association, the Commercial Vehicle Training Association, and the Arizona Motor Transport Association.

Job Placement Assistance

A good CDL school will prepare you to be a professional driver, but a great one will help you get there. When looking for truck driving schools, take into consideration whether or not a specific school offers job placement assistance for its graduates. HDS Truck Driving Institute, for example, offers its graduates lifetime job placement assistance. That’s a level of support you won’t find from many other programs in the state, let alone the country.

If you’re thinking enrolling in truck driving school in Tucson, we invite you to learn more about what HDS Truck Driving Institute has to offer. Call us toll-free at (877) 205-2141 to speak with one of our admissions representatives, or feel free to stop by one of our open house events on the second Saturday of the month in November and December.

A Look at the ATA Grassroots Program

The American Trucking Association is the largest national trade association for the trucking industry and is the voice of the truck drivers, trucking companies, truck driving schools, and anyone else involved in the industry. One of the ways in which the ATA protects the interest of the trucking industry is through its grassroots program. ATA’s network of industry members, including truck driving schools like HDS Truck Driving Institute, work together to influence legislative decisions on the state and federal level to promote a pro-trucking environment. After you earn graduate from CDL school in Tucson and become a driver, your involvement in the ATA grassroots program will ensure a powerful force for the benefit of truckers everywhere.

Grassroots Program Action Center

The ATA’s Grassroots Program Action Center is a robust software platform that allows members to communicate directly with Members of Congress on the issues that are most important to the trucking industry as a whole. Members use the Grassroots Program Action Center to track important bills and quickly connect with state and federal officials overseeing legislation that can impact the industry.

Call on Washington

An integral arm of the Grassroots Network, ATA’s Call on Washington program allows members to meet directly with congress members, key congressional staff, federal regulators, fellow industry leaders, and ATA staff to discuss legislation and regulatory actions affecting the trucking industry. No other program provides such direct interaction with so many significant government and industry contacts, which is part of the reasons why the ATA’s grassroots program has been so successful over the years at protecting the interests of the trucking industry.

HDS Truck Driving Institute is proud to be affiliated with the ATA. We’re happy to do what we can to promote a pro-trucking environment in the United States, especially to the benefit of our graduates. To learn more about our truck driving school in Tucson, call us toll-free at (877) 205-2141 or come to one our open houses to meet with our instructors and find out how our CDL training programs can prepare you for a career in the trucking industry.

Staying Safe on the Road During the Holiday Travel Season

Safety should always be a primary concern, and things always tend to get a little more hectic around the holidays. As long as you have your Tucson CDL and your wits about you, however, you can make it through the trip unscathed. Read on for a few tips on staying safe on the road during the holiday travel season.

Pay Attention

Whether you are driving to the grocery store around the corner or practicing to earn your Tucson CDL, it is important to remember that anything can happen on the road. This is why you must pay attention to the task at hand in order to stay safe. Avoid distractions like texting, making phone calls, or eating while driving. Pull over if you need to adjust your GPS or look at your map so that you do not endanger yourself or other drivers.

Plan for Anything

Preparation is key when it comes to staying safe in any situation. It is wise to pack an emergency kit to bring with you while you are on the road. Whether it is the middle of summer or the dead of winter, it is always a good idea to bring bottles of water and non-perishable foods in case you find yourself broken down on the side of the road. Make sure you have your vehicle inspected before going on a long drive.

Follow the Rules

In many cases, your safety on the road depends on your judgment. Drive at an appropriate speed, follow the local traffic rules, and be courteous to other drivers. Be sure to wear your seatbelt whenever your vehicle is in motion, and take note of any work zones that you may pass through during your route.

For more tips on staying safe on the road during the holiday travel season, contact HDS Truck Driving Institute or visit our website. Our Tucson CDL school will provide you with the necessary skills and experience to pass your CDL test and secure a job in the commercial driving industry. Feel free to give us a call at (877) 205-2141 for more information today.

The Role of Women in the Truck Driving Industry

As long as you are of age and legally allowed to drive in the United States, you can get a Tucson CDL regardless of your gender. While the truck driving industry is primarily made up of males, there are plenty of female drivers as well. Here is a brief overview of the role of women in the truck driving industry.


Everyone has different experiences at work, and this goes for both genders. The region in which you work, your specific job, and the company you work for all play their own roles in your overall experience on the job. Women may be just as qualified as men to obtain CDLs and drive commercial vehicles for a living. They may be drivers, dispatchers, or supervisors.

What to Enjoy

Society tends to treat men and women slightly differently. When it comes to the truck driving industry, your treatment depends on your individual circumstances. Some female truck drivers have considered it an advantage to be a female in the industry. Those who enjoy special attention might get what they desire, and it could come in the form of a free truck stop meal or radio directions. Receiving assistance quickly and efficiently can help to keep you on track and prevent you from experiencing setbacks, so this may be a significant advantage. However, some female drivers do not like any extra attention.

What to Look Out For

In a field that is largely made up of males, the presence of a female tends to stand out. Although some men point this presence out at any chance they get, this is by no means the norm. Always report any inappropriate behavior to your superior if someone makes you uncomfortable at work.

Would you like to learn more about the role of women in the truck driving industry? Call HDS Truck Driving Institute at (877) 205-2141. We are an Arizona truck driving school that seeks to help both men and women earn a Tucson CDL and enter the trucking industry. You can find out much more about our truck driving school by visiting our website.

Understanding the Dangers of Distracted Driving

Even the safest drivers are still at the mercy of their fellow motorists when on the road, which is why it is crucial that you always stay focused while driving. The importance of paying attention to the road is amplified when you have a Tucson CDL and are responsible for a commercial vehicle. Read on to understand the dangers of distracted driving.

Distraction Regulations

Safe driving is important no matter what kind of vehicle you operate; driving responsibly keeps both you and the other drivers on the road safe. Commercial drivers like truck drivers must follow strict rules and regulations regarding safe driving. They cannot text, make phone calls, or operate cell phones in any other capacity while driving, but they are allowed to use their dispatch devices and other hands free equipment.

Risky Behaviors

Certain activities can significantly increase your chances of experiencing a collision, and thus they should be avoided while the vehicle is in motion. Texting and driving has become a national concern, but other activities can take your attention away from the road as well. Avoid eating meals while behind the wheel, and set up your GPS before you get going so you do not have to tinker with it while you are driving. If you need to find something in your vehicle, pull over instead of reaching around while driving. Even glancing at your map can distract you, so know your route ahead of time.


Countless lives have been lost and injuries have been sustained due to distracted driving. In the case of commercial driving, a distracted driver who gets into an accident may also be subjected to fines and other disciplinary actions. The only way to avoid these consequences is to stay focused on the road throughout your trip.

HDS Truck Driving Institute is a Tucson CDL school that helps individuals in Arizona become licensed commercial drivers. Feel free to call us at (877) 205-2141 if you would like to learn more about our services. You can also visit our website or stop by and meet with us if you live in the area.

Answers to Some Common Questions About CDLs

Earning your Tucson CDL is the first step in obtaining a job in the commercial driving industry, but many people are not sure how to take it. Continue reading for the answers to some common questions about CDLs.

How Do I Get My CDL?

You must be at least 21 years of age in order to legally drive a commercial vehicle over state lines. However, an 18 year old can get a limited CDL for intrastate use within Arizona. In addition to being of age, you must have a permanent residence in Arizona in order to be commercially licensed in the state. If you have satisfied these requirements, then you can apply for a CDL permit, which is valid for 6 months. Once you have practiced and you are confident in your skills, you can attempt to earn your CDL.

How Can I Prepare?

Once you have applied and received your CDL permit, you can begin to practice driving a commercial vehicle in Arizona. You will be tested on your knowledge of commercial driving as well as your practical skills. Many individuals decide to take courses at their local truck driving schools in order to prepare for their CDL exams. Your CDL school can provide you with the essential knowledge that you will need in order to earn your license, and they can help you develop the skills you need to pass your road test.

What Kind of Jobs Can I Get?

You can get a range of jobs with a CDL. The prototypical CDL job is over the road trucking, which may have you delivering manufactured products from one state to another. However, you can also find jobs in public transportation, construction, and waste management. This field typically offers excellent job security, which is always important.

If you have additional questions about CDLs, feel free to call HDS Truck Driving Institute at (877) 205-2141. Our team is committed to helping you acquire your Tucson CDL. You can find out much more about our Arizona truck driving school by visiting our website or stopping by to meet with us today.

A Look at the CDL Process in Arizona

Commercial truck driving can be a fulfilling and exciting job, and it starts with your Tucson CDL. Not everyone is a candidate for a CDL, however, and you must earn your permit before you can take your final exams. Keep reading for a look at the CDL process in Arizona.

Being Eligible

There are a few criteria that you must meet if you would like to earn a license that allows you to drive commercial vehicles in Arizona. Firstly, Arizona must be the state where you currently reside. If your permanent address indicates that you live somewhere else, you cannot obtain a CDL in Arizona. Individuals who plan on using a CDL to drive a commercial vehicle across state lines are only allowed to do so if they are 21 years of age or older. An 18 year old may obtain an intrastate CDL in order to drive commercially within the state of Arizona.

Obtaining a Permit

Before you can take full advantage of your CDL, you must first obtain a CDL instruction permit. This will allow you to practice driving a commercial vehicle on highways, and it expires after 6 months. You will have to provide certain types of information when applying for your CDL permit, including your Social Security card, appropriate forms of identification, and evidence of a physical examination. You must also have at least one year of experience in driving a motor vehicle.

Passing Your Exams

Use your CDL permit to practice for your exams. You can also enroll in courses at a Tucson CDL school to make sure you learn everything you need to know before attempting to earn your CDL. A qualified truck driving school can help you pass with flying colors and earn a secure job.

If you would like to learn more about the CDL process in Arizona, feel free to call HDS Truck Driving Institute at (877) 205-2141. We are a Tucson CDL school that aims to help you prepare to earn your commercial driver’s license. Please do not hesitate to visit our website for more information about our truck driving school.

Truck Driving: A Career on the Rise

If you are about to graduate from school or you are thinking about making a career change, consider enrolling in a truck driving school in Tucson. These schools can help you earn your Tucson CDL and help you start your truck driving career with a promising job. Keep reading to find out why truck driving is a career on the rise.

CDL Schools

Truck driving can make for an adventurous career, and a Tucson CDL school can put you on the right path. Truck driving schools like HDS Truck Driving Institute can help you prepare for a career in commercial driving. There are many differences between your sedan and a commercial truck, and you can learn about them through CDL school courses. The right CDL school will prepare you to pass your exams and earn your CDL, and it might even help you land your first truck driving job.

Job Security

A truck driving job may send you all over the place, but one thing will always be waiting for you when you come back: your job. As long as you do your job the way it needs to be done, you should have a relatively peaceful mind. Truck driving is an industry that continues to grow, and there are still plenty of jobs available. This is a major benefit when the economy and job market are not at their prime. If you decide that your current job is no longer a fit, you can take your experience to another one.


Many truck drivers love their jobs because they get to travel to faraway places and see sights that they would never witness. Some drivers end up home every night, while some sleep in their beds weekly. Others live for the adventure and continue to follow the road.

For more information about commercial truck driving careers, please do not hesitate to contact HDS Truck Driving Institute or visit our website. It is our goal to help aspiring truckers earn their Tucson CDLs so they can launch their careers. Feel free to call us at (877) 205-2141 for more information.

How Truck Drivers Can Stay Healthy on the Road

Truck driving is a great job, and there is growing need for licensed truck drivers in the United States. If you want to land a great paying job in the transportation industry, the first step is to attend truck driving school in Arizona. As you get closer to obtaining your CDL and starting your new career as a truck driver, you need to start thinking about some of the challenges that truck drivers face—like staying healthy on the road. It can be difficult to live a healthy lifestyle on the road, but it’s not impossible. Here are some tips to help you stay healthy as a truck driver.

Cut Out the Soda

Limiting your daily sugar intake is one of the keys of a healthy lifestyle, especially when you’re on the road. One of the easiest ways to cut your sugar intake is to limit the amount of soda you drink. A medium-sized fountain drink can have as much as 50 grams of sugar, which is almost more than double the daily recommended amount of sugar in a healthy diet.

Pack Healthy Snacks

Speaking of a healthy diet, one of the greatest challenges for truck drivers is eating healthy while on the road. With a bevy of fast food options, it can be easy to eat poorly while driving back and forth across the country. If you want to lead a healthier lifestyle, bring healthy snacks with you to keep yourself satisfied until you can find a proper place to eat. Fruits, vegetables, and nuts are great raw snacks that are high in essential nutrients.

Stay Active

You don’t need a full-blown gym to get a good workout. When you have some down time, perform bodyweight exercises such as lunges, squats, and push-ups to work up a sweat, burn calories, build strength, and tone up. You should also try to get plenty of walking in each day to promote good cardiovascular health.
If you’re serious about becoming a truck driver, HDS Truck Driving Institute can help. We are one of the premier truck driving schools in Tucson, but our students come from all over the state. Call us at toll-free at (877) 205-2141 to learn more about our CDL truck driving programs

Answers to Common Questions about Truck Driving Careers

If you’re thinking about attending truck driving school in Tucson, you probably have lots of questions about the truck driving industry. Tucson’s HDS Truck Driving Institute hosts an open house every second and fourth Saturday between January and October, and on the second Saturday in November and December. This is a great chance to talk with our program directors, instructors, and career advisors about the opportunities available to you with a CDL. In the meantime, here are answers to some of the most common questions about truck driving careers.

Q: Is there a big need for truck drivers?

A: Absolutely! There is a huge demand for commercial drivers in this country. According to the American Trucking Associations, the transportation industry is currently experiencing a labor shortfall to the tune of between 30,000 and 35,000 unfilled truck driver jobs. With older drivers retiring in greater numbers than years past, the industry is facing a major driver shortage and looking for skilled men and women to fill the void.

Q: How much do truck drivers make?

A: According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average pay range for entry-level truck drivers is between $37,000 and $58,000 per year. Company drivers can also earn sizeable performance bonuses, and the earning potential is even greater for independent owner/operators.

Q: How long will I be on the road?

A: That’s entirely up to you. There are lots of different types of driving jobs available to CDL holders, and you can pursue the one that best fits your personal life. Over-the-road (OTR) truck drivers can be away from home for weeks at a time, while regional drivers may only be on the road for a few days. There are also local truck driving positions that can have you home for dinner every night.

Q: How do I get started?

A: If you want to become a truck driver, call HDS Truck Driving Institute. We have helped countless drivers earn their Arizona CDL and go on to have terrific careers in the truck driving industry. Call us toll-free at (877) 205-2141 to learn more about attending our truck driving school in Tucson or Phoenix.

Study Tips for Aspiring Truck Drivers

Obtaining your commercial driver’s license is the key to landing a high-paying job in the trucking industry. But getting your CDL is a lot harder than getting a regular driver’s license. In order to become a commercial driver, you must first pass the Arizona CDL exam. Attending truck driving school in Tucson can give you the skills and knowledge needed to pass the exam and earn your Class A CDL, but you will also need to study outside of class if you want to pass the exam on your first try and start earning big money as a truck driver. Here are some study tips that will help you prepare for the CDL exam.

Know What to Expect on the Test

Although you won’t know exactly what’s on the test before you take it, you can find out beforehand the specific areas that you will be tested on. This will allow you to focus your study efforts only on that specific material, which will greatly improve your chances of passing the CDL exam on your first try.

Improve Your Weak Areas

You can (and should) take practice tests in the months and weeks leading up to the actual exam. Closely analyze the results from your practice tests and pinpoint the topics that you are weak on. Don’t focus solely on these areas, but certainly devote greater time and attention on your weaknesses to help you out come test day.

Stick to a Regular Study Schedule

If you want to pass the exam on your first try, you need to get serious about studying. Write a master schedule that includes your work schedule, truck driving classes, and other responsibilities and see where you have time to study each day. Devote yourself to studying during these times and stick to the same schedule in the weeks leading up to the exam.

HDS Truck Driving Institute is a nationally-recognized truck driving school located in Tucson. We offer Class A CDL training and testing programs and our classes are offered in day, evening, and weekend formats to meet your needs. Call us toll-free at (877) 205-2141 to learn more about our truck driver training programs.

Staying Cool on the Road

If you live in Arizona, you don’t need us to tell you that warm weather is still here. Triple-digit temperatures are par for the course during the summer months, and truck drivers who operate in the Copper State must take extra care to stay cool on the road. As you go through truck driving school and prepare to earn your CDL in Tucson, keep these tips in mind on how to stay cool once you start driving a big rig in Arizona.

Protect Yourself from the Sun

Even though you are inside the cabin, the sun coming through the front and driver’s side window can heat you up and expose you to harmful UV rays. To stay cool and limit the amount of ultraviolet rays you are exposed to, wear long sleeves and put sunscreen on your hands and face. Window covers can also help block out the sun.

Stay Hydrated

It seems obvious, but it can be easy to forget to stay hydrated while on the road. A good rule of thumb is to drink half your body weight in ounces every day. We recommend truck drivers invest in a large, insulated jug or water bottle to have plenty of cold water available during the day. You may need to stop more often to use the restroom, but at least you won’t overheat.

Dress Comfortably

You may be required to work outside when it’s hot to hook up or detach a trailer, so be sure to dress comfortably in lightweight, breathable clothing to prevent overheating. If you are comfortable in shorts and a t-shirt, remember to put on sunscreen to protect your skin and stay cool. Also, you’ll need to drink more water if you sweat to stay properly hydrated.

HDS Truck Driving Institute has served Southern Arizona since 1991, so we are uniquely qualified to prepare our students for the rigors of driving trucks in Arizona. We are a fully-accredited truck driving school and licensed by the Arizona Department of Transportation. If you would like to attend Arizona’s best CDL school, call HDS Truck Driving Institute toll-free at (877) 205-2141.