When you graduate from truck driving school, you will have received the knowledge and skills that you need to become a safe and successful truck driver. After you get your first truck driving job, it will be your responsibility to practice all of the safe driving habits that you learned when you were studying for your CDL. Distracted driving is among the top dangers that are faced by every driver on the road. To help you avoid a collision, here is a look at what you need to know about distracted driving.
Texting and Cell Phones Are Prohibited
The FMCSA, or Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration, has recently passed laws that ban the use of texting and cell phones by operators of commercial vehicles. When you reach for your cell phone to send out a text, you will lose track of your surroundings for a dangerous amount of time. To prevent yourself from being distracted when you drive, you should always put your cell phone away when you are driving your truck.
Dispatching Devices Are Allowed
While cell phones and other handheld personal devices are not allowed to be used by truck drivers when they are behind the wheel, other devices are acceptable. Primarily, it is legal for drivers to use equipment that is related to their dispatching system. However, these devices must only be used for professional purposes.
The Dangers of Texting and Driving
There are many dangers that are associated with texting in driving. A recent study has shown that drivers are 23 times more likely to be involved in a serious collision if they text while they drive. In addition, even if you are placing a phone call, you will make yourself 6 times more likely to experience a collision.
If you are interested in getting your CDL in Tucson, be sure to contact HDS Truck Driving Institute by calling (877) 205-2141. We are thrilled to be a leading Tucson CDL school, and we will help you start your truck driving career. Be sure to visit one of our open houses to receive more information.