Pros and Cons of Trucking With Pets

There are few careers that allow you to keep your pet by your side every day. Trucking is one such career at many pet-friendly motor carriers across the nation. There are many benefits to hitting the road with your furry friend. However, there are also some things you should consider before trucking with pets.

Here are the pros and cons of truck driving with a cat or dog on board:


A Companion On The Road

The most obvious and typically the most significant benefit of trucking with a pet is that you have a companion on the road. Truck driving is often a solitary career, and it can get lonely at times. Having a furry friend by your side can make this easier.

More Opportunities for Exercise

Truckers spend most of their day behind the wheel, which means they are typically sitting down. This can lead to the potential for weight gain and other health issues due to a lack of exercise. If you have a dog on board, you’ll need to stop regularly to walk them. This encourages you to get moving regularly and can have a positive effect on your health.

Potential Security Benefits

Certain breeds of dogs can bark to alert you if someone is near your truck and can provide security benefits. Of course, this likely won’t work as well with a very small dog, and cats aren’t known for guarding abilities, so this benefit will depend on the type of pet you have.


May Not Be Best For All Pets

Some pets won’t be a good fit for the trucking lifestyle. They may be too big, prefer space to run around during the day, or have health issues that make it harder for them to be on the road. Be sure to take your companion to the vet before you hit the road to see if they are medically ready to be a trucking pet. In addition, think about your pet’s personality and needs to determine if they’ll enjoy being on the road with you.

Potential Messes And Clutter

If you have a cat on board, you’ll need a litter box for them. Dogs will need to be taken out regularly and could have accidents on the truck. In addition, both dogs and cats can shed and leave hair around your cab. You’ll need to have extra cleaning supplies on board, and should be prepared to accept a bit more mess than you might have trucking on your own.

Need For Extra Preparation

Before you hit the road with your pet, you’ll need to prepare. Trucking with a pet requires more supplies than trucking alone, and you’ll also need to plan for potential emergencies. Trip planning can also become more complicated since you’ll need to not only stop for fuel and your required breaks but also to let your pet out (if you have a dog).

Becoming a Trucker

If you’re looking for a career that lets you bring your furry best friend along every day, consider earning your commercial driver’s license (CDL). At HDS Truck Driving Institute (HDS truck driving school), we can help you get started in as little as four weeks. Our job placement assistance team can help you find positions that meet your needs, including finding motor carriers that allow pets on board.

To learn more about how to start trucking with your pets, contact us today.